Saturday, June 4, 2011

Palinites: GIVE UP

Seriously, the non-logic Palin supporters out there have to conjure up simply to justify her to themselves is remarkable. In the above video, she CLEARLY fumbles through the explanation of Paul Revere's midnight ride, claiming he "warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms" and that he "[sent] those warning shots and bells that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free."

If you watch the video, it's pretty clear that she doesn't know the actual story: that Paul Revere rode from South Boston to Cambridge warning the colonists of a British Invasion.
Not this kind

(What Palin probably doesn't know either, is that Revere wasn't even the rider of note that fateful night. That man was Israel Bissell.)

Rather than concede the unequivocal TRUTH (that she got it wrong), Palin's supporters found a text written by Revere himself peripherally relevant to what Palin said, found here.

To summarize Mr. Revere's statement, he was ambushed by the British soldiers, and told them, as they held a gun to his head, mind you, that he had warned the militia and they were ready to fight. He basically said, "A whole bunch of my buddies are over that hill waiting for you, so if you wanna act tough: bring it, assholes."

From this, Palin's supporters claim that Revere DID warn the British, and she was in fact enlightening Americans as to the little-known aspects of Paul Revere's ride. Even if she were actually referencing that text (and who wants to bet that she really was?), how were her words, that Paul Revere defended the 2nd Amendment before it even existed, reflective of the little-known incident described in Revere's letter? As I said earlier, they're peripherally relevant, which doesn't amount to "very relevant" any day of the week.

What bothers me most about Sarah Palin is what I call her "Anti-Intellectual Crusade." She speaks about education and worldliness like it's a bad thing, (remember: only the Midwestern United States is "the real America") even marginalizing the President as a "lawyer" like it's a dirty word. Guess what, Sarah? Not all lawyers are created equal; there's a difference between a Harvard-educated attorney and the guy with the cowboy hat for "Binder & Binder." And y'know who else were lawyers? The FOUNDING FATHERS.

This is a person who thinks "what newspapers do you read?" is an unfair question. This is a person who believes the First Lady is trying to prevent parents from feeding their children sweets by promoting health-food education. This is a person who needs to be phased out.

Not even Snooki is this undeserving of her notoriety. I hope that after 2012 we don't ever have to hear from Ms. Palin ever again. No more of her folksy, down-home, regular-folk jargon; dropping her g's at every opportunity. You're an idiot, Mrs. Palin. Just GO AWAY.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Praying for Japan

Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Disaster. Any single one of these events can be catastrophic enough, let alone occurring in succession.    

Admittedly, I'm guilty of barely caring at first. Japan is a world away, and though I felt sympathy towards those in need, there was very little I could actually do to help and felt it was best to be minimally informed as not to upset myself by overly digesting every piece of information. 

Now, what started as a disaster that potentially could be overcome within six months or so (not accounting for the loss of life, which can never be made better), now we're facing a worldwide environmental disaster with the potential meltdown of a nuclear power plant. Already radiation is leaking, but I pray (despite my disbelief in a higher power) those working tirelessly can contain it before the worst happens.

It's like the world has been coming to an end in the past several years. Katrina, the economic collapse, the Haiti Earthquake, the Oil Spill, now this. When I was a kid it always felt like everything was always getting better. Now I can't help but feel things keep getting worse.

Lebowski Haikus

The fabulous link below will direct you to a site that randomly generates haikus using lines of dialogue from my favorite film, "The Big Lebowski."

Honestly, I don't think it's capable of generating one that'll disappoint.

A couple of my favorites:

The retaining wall
Beauty of simplicity
Just business papers

Sometimes there's a man
His dick, his rod, his Johnson
With a cleft asshole

As a bonus, an original from yours truly:

This fucking strumpet
Natural, zesty enterprise
Video artist

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mercy Mercy Me > What's Going On?

In the canon of Gaye (very different than the "canon of gays"), I enjoy this little diddy to his more popular socially-conscious one.

On the same token, (and this is a VERY unpopular opinion) I think Clapton's "I Shot the Sheriff" > Marley's.

That is all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Songs we should NEVER have to hear again Part 2

"Hey Soul Sister" Train - I know, quite a bold statement for one of last night's Grammy winners, but hear me out:

Besides the incessant, repetitive and annoying onomatopoeic chorus, this song should be disqualified for future play merely for ripping off another hit, "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Compare for yourselves below.

Exhibit A: 

And now the ripoff:


The only train I'm interested in

"I Will Survive" Gloria Gaynor - Now I don't necessarily consider this song bad or unlistenable, however it is EXTREMELY overplayed (especially at karaoke) and, more importantly IT IS A LIE. Yes, you heard right, the lyrics are completely false. Why? Because it's usually the guy who's fine after the breakup. Girls may flaunt their "okay-ness" in the form of song (another that comes to mind is Beyonce's "Single Ladies") but in reality it's not "I Will Survive," but "I Will Make the Next Man in My Life Pay For This By Becoming Really, Really Crazy."

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" Def Leppard - All in all, I just think this song just plain sucks. To all you Leppard-proponents out there... even if you find it a little bit catchy you must admit: it is very, very STUPID. Add to that an uber-simplistic beat (here's a thought: your drummer loses an arm, how about FIRING him??) and it's clearly overstayed its welcome in the sonic realm.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Show a little respect

"It wasn't what ya said, it was the way ya said it..."
--Old Feminist Proverb

I'm not suggesting that Bill O'Reilly was unfair, or operated with a subversive agenda, nor that this was "gotcha journalism," as one of my (cough) "favorite" people might say. What I do believe is that Mr. O'Reilly treated Barack Obama as though he were any other person... and not the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

Maybe if you've known the guy for awhile (call him "Barry," go back long ago to your days in Kenya together--oops!) it might be appropriate to: 
  • interrupt him
  • step on his sentences
  • tell him there are those in the American public who "hate him" (as if he hasn't heard)
  • or ask questions authoritatively, not inquisitively a private setting. When you have the honor of interviewing the Commander in Chief on live television, you treat him with the utmost respect, whatever you may think of him at the time.

Now it is fair to say that this very well may be the utmost respect Bill O'Reilly is capable of showing; there's no evidence to suggest otherwise at this time. Still, it is my belief that George W. Bush was hands down the worst president in history (so much so that I think there's no one capable of doing a worse job) and admittedly HATE him (still, push comes to shove, I'd probably have a beer with the guy), however I wouldn't dare treat him like THAT if I were his interviewer. All that integrity and I'm not even a journalist!

Let me reiterate: I make no claims of any ulterior motives of Bill O'Reilly to damage or expose the president with his interview. He just thought it more appropriate to treat him like a commoner instead of a statesman.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

An Equine-Alternative to your Shitbox

A good friend, Mr. William Hinton Wilder Anderson III, directed me to the clip above, and I couldn't be more grateful. Not only is the song downright hilarious, but, to put it in the parlance of WHWA3, the subtleties present themselves on the subsequent viewings. Translation: it gets funnier every time you watch it, much like Lebowski. Will was kind enough to provide the following equation determining their musical style:

(The Commitments + Michael Jackson)  =  The Rubberbandits
(Weird Al Yankovic x The Streets)

The "Rubberbandits" wear those masks to keep their anonymity, because apparently they vandalized something using the "Rubberbandits" moniker, then decided to expand their horizons into music, comedy, etc. Basically they'd get arrested if their identity was revealed. Kind of like a vulgar duo of Irish Banksies (is the plural of "Banksy" Banksies? Don't know how grammar applies to rogue artists).

For your viewing pleasure, I've provided a viewer's guide below of the video's most precious moments (with time-stamps, of course).

0:14 - A bald man with a shaved head and goatee with each arm around a girl has a teardrop tattoo, implying he's killed a man.

0:17 - Grey suit, lavender shirt, striped purple tie = very unhappy for some reason

0:25 - The Father of the Bride is just perfect

0:28 - They achieved critical mass with their degree of bridesmaid sluttiness.

0:32 - Same level of sluttiness for those not in the wedding party

0:38 - The "loose girls chew gum" theme starts to become apparent

1:18 - The lyric "if you're looking for a ride, I've a horse outside": uproarious if spoken, ten times that when sung

1:33 - The other Rubberbandit is massaging the Groom's shoulders

1:55 - The actor playing the priest gives an Academy Award-worthy performance in lip-synching "Fuck your Honda Civic"

2:39 - The bridesmaid's lip-synching here is a close second

2:46 - What's any song without a "call & response" part?

3:00 - It's not a party till the bridesmaids don horse-masks

3:27 - The wonderful illustration that a horse can never be booted by parking enforcement, followed shortly thereafter by the realization that a horse is probably better than any of those POS cars


I hope this was as enjoyable experience to all those reader(s) out there as it was to me.

P.S. For your pleasure, a 7-year-old photo of my aforementioned friend Will

Friday, February 4, 2011

Andy Pettite: Not a Hall of Famer

Andy Pettite announced his retirement today, and so the debate of his Hall of Fame credentials begins. I'm here to say there is no debate. His confession of using HGH aside, Andy Pettite is simply just NOT a Hall of Famer. The stats speak for themselves: 

The Pettite-proponents (say that 3 times fast) will point to his wins (240), his career ERA (3.88, which is mediocre by HOF standards at best) or his reputation as a "big game" pitcher. These may sound all well and good for those unnaturally enamored with Pettite (read: Yankee fans), but the fact of the matter is he's not even CLOSE.

He pitched for 16 seasons. Despite his aforementioned career ERA being below 4, he only had 7 seasons in which he posted an ERA of 3.99 or better. He didn't strike out many batters, never won a Cy Young Award, and led the league in a major category (wins) but once.

It's called the "Hall of Fame," not the "Hall of Very Good." Personally, Pettite was one of my favorite pitchers to watch. His motion was fluid and his intensity was unmatched. But neither of those things made him great.

If he spent his entire career in Kansas City, he wouldn't even be in the discussion for the Hall of Fame. He spent most of his career in New York, with two years in Houston, and he still isn't.

P.S. Guess what Yankee fans? Mike Mussina's not a Hall of Famer either.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg: Worst Actor EVER

Seriously, I don't think there's ever been a worse example of delivering lines in all of human history. This includes any Ed Wood film, all the work in David Arquette's canon, and even my pre-school Thanksgiving play (and others like it) about the Pilgrims and Indians.

Awful. Even for a socially-awkward billionaire.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Songs we should NEVER Have to Hear Again

There are lots of songs no one should have to ever hear again. Heck, the entire catalogues of certain artists (Insane Clown Posse, Matchbox 20) and even entire genres (thrash metal, polka, Christian Rap) that largely are, with good reason, utterly verboten... But the parameters here are for popular songs that are sooOOO overplayed, they should never pollute the sonic realm ever again.

In no particular order:

"Sweet Home Alabama" Lynyrd Skynyrd - besides the name of their band sucking to the umpteenth power, this guitar-twanging anthem somewhat reminiscent of Deliverance's "Dueling Banjos" makes the notion of being sodomized by Rednecks more appealing than having to listen to this garbage. The tune is irritating, the chorus' appeal preys on the most simplistic, Chro-magnon urges to say something (anything!) in unison, and if you genuinely like this song we may not be able to be friends anymore.
Skynard's Decor of Choice
"Baby Got Back" Sir Mix-a-Lot- this song had its day, but that day has long passed. I don't think the demographic of "flat-ass-loving" guys have much of a voice anymore, so mission: accomplished; let's stop playing it already! Did we ever find out who knighted Sir Mix-a-lot, by the way? 

"I Will Always Love You" Whitney Houston- I possibly hate this song more than I've ever hated anything. I think the chorus (the "I..e-I...e-I..." part, UGH) is the literally the worst sound to ever be heard ANYWHERE. My hell would be to spend eternity trapped in a room with this song playing.

First choice for "Kill Whitney Houston" in Google Image Search

That is all that comes to mind at the moment, but worry not; there will be sequels to this post.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chris Matthews Blows a Gasket... Then Everyone Misses the Point

You don't have to watch all nine minutes and change to get the gist of it; Chris Matthews is very, VERY angry. But then again, it's perfectly reasonable to take umbrage with the notion of an official elected to our nation's Congress making statements exposing their complete ignorance of American History. Michele Bachmann in particular is very highly lauded by the Tea Party and other members of the far right, yet she actually thinks our Founding Fathers were anti-slavery. Pitiful, disappointing and just plain stupid are a few unequivocal descriptors that come to mind. Shame on you, Congresswoman Bachmann.

Yet it's my opinion that Matthews crossed the line. Despite that I agree with his outrage over the fact that we live in a nation where people of questionable intellect hold elected office with what seems like a high frequency, he is a supposed newsman/commentator/moderator/whatever you want to call him. People of such stature should hold themselves to a higher standard while on the air.

Chris, control your emotions, man! Tirelessly berating Tea Party co-founder Sal Russo, as fun as we all know tormenting Tea Partiers can be, is no way to get your point across. Practice composure when you expose the party's ignorance and hypocrisy and their likely-flimsy response will play right into your argument.

Now we have Glenn Beck coming to the defense of the Congresswoman (who does a great job of combining Sarah Palin's empty stare with former Florida Attorney General Katherine Harris' awful makeup) with his GENIUS assertion that the Three-Fifths Compromise was intended to destroy slavery. With "reporting" like that, how does this man even have a following and what can we do to make him go away? 

But wait! On another note, someone named Joanne Bamberger seems to think Matthews' repeated use of the term "balloonhead" in regards to Bachmann was sexist. 

Uh, just because it was directed at a woman by a man does not automatically make it sexist. And just because he made a previous comment about Sarah Palin that, quite frankly is borderline at best, in my opinion, does not cause any remarks he makes about women here forth fall into the same category. 

Despite my relative ambivalence to Bill O'Reilly's frequent use of the word "Pinhead," if it did upset me, I'd be very presumptuous to decry it as sexist were it to be used against a woman. (This gets me thinking, could a Pinhead potentially pop a Balloonhead? Because we should have chaperons if the two are thinking about getting cozy any time soon...)

Matthews is right about Michele Bachmann; the contrary argument does not hold up, Glenn Beck. Regardless of one's past scathing remarks, a "Baloonhead" does not a sexist make, Ms. Bamberger. The whole point is that Matthews had a lay-up to make a good point, but he missed it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Dark Knight Rises"... Literally

It's been less than a week since Warner Bros. revealed the villains in the next Batman film to be Catwoman (played by Anne Hathaway) and Bane (Tom Hardy). Catwoman we're all familiar with, but, for those of you not in the know, Bane is a former Latin American prisoner fueled by "Venom," a potent steroid that calls to mind a resemblance to late 90's Mark McGwire.

I figured I'd use this as an opportunity to get my plot predictions out there early, that way if I'm wrong, my incorrectness will simply fade away into the vast echo-chamber that is the blogosphere, but if I'm correct, deity-status will be bestowed upon me within the comic book community (which is kinda like being a four-foot guy in midgetville, but I digress...)

So here's what I'm thinking: Bane is most famously known as the man that broke Bruce Wayne's back (literally snapped him over his knee like Bo Jackson's bat after a strikeout), so that's just what he'll do. Yes, Christian Bale will be wheelchair-bound shortly after the first act break. He'll be just like the Big Lebowski, only the loss of his legs will be credited to a steroid-induced freak instead of that "Chinaman" in Korea.

During his rehab, Catwoman will emerge as another vigilante, but Gotham will fall deeper in turmoil without that sweet brand o' Bat-Justice they've become so accustomed to. Right before the third act, Bruce will walk again, a la former New York Jet Dennis Byrd, and return to kick butt and close out the trilogy.

You've heard it here first: the "Rises" in the title has to do with rising from a wheelchair, which is definitely the hardest type of "rising" on the "rising scale" (which goes from "bread" to "wheelchair," in case anyone asks...)