Saturday, June 4, 2011

Palinites: GIVE UP

Seriously, the non-logic Palin supporters out there have to conjure up simply to justify her to themselves is remarkable. In the above video, she CLEARLY fumbles through the explanation of Paul Revere's midnight ride, claiming he "warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms" and that he "[sent] those warning shots and bells that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free."

If you watch the video, it's pretty clear that she doesn't know the actual story: that Paul Revere rode from South Boston to Cambridge warning the colonists of a British Invasion.
Not this kind

(What Palin probably doesn't know either, is that Revere wasn't even the rider of note that fateful night. That man was Israel Bissell.)

Rather than concede the unequivocal TRUTH (that she got it wrong), Palin's supporters found a text written by Revere himself peripherally relevant to what Palin said, found here.

To summarize Mr. Revere's statement, he was ambushed by the British soldiers, and told them, as they held a gun to his head, mind you, that he had warned the militia and they were ready to fight. He basically said, "A whole bunch of my buddies are over that hill waiting for you, so if you wanna act tough: bring it, assholes."

From this, Palin's supporters claim that Revere DID warn the British, and she was in fact enlightening Americans as to the little-known aspects of Paul Revere's ride. Even if she were actually referencing that text (and who wants to bet that she really was?), how were her words, that Paul Revere defended the 2nd Amendment before it even existed, reflective of the little-known incident described in Revere's letter? As I said earlier, they're peripherally relevant, which doesn't amount to "very relevant" any day of the week.

What bothers me most about Sarah Palin is what I call her "Anti-Intellectual Crusade." She speaks about education and worldliness like it's a bad thing, (remember: only the Midwestern United States is "the real America") even marginalizing the President as a "lawyer" like it's a dirty word. Guess what, Sarah? Not all lawyers are created equal; there's a difference between a Harvard-educated attorney and the guy with the cowboy hat for "Binder & Binder." And y'know who else were lawyers? The FOUNDING FATHERS.

This is a person who thinks "what newspapers do you read?" is an unfair question. This is a person who believes the First Lady is trying to prevent parents from feeding their children sweets by promoting health-food education. This is a person who needs to be phased out.

Not even Snooki is this undeserving of her notoriety. I hope that after 2012 we don't ever have to hear from Ms. Palin ever again. No more of her folksy, down-home, regular-folk jargon; dropping her g's at every opportunity. You're an idiot, Mrs. Palin. Just GO AWAY.

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