Monday, February 14, 2011

Songs we should NEVER have to hear again Part 2

"Hey Soul Sister" Train - I know, quite a bold statement for one of last night's Grammy winners, but hear me out:

Besides the incessant, repetitive and annoying onomatopoeic chorus, this song should be disqualified for future play merely for ripping off another hit, "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Compare for yourselves below.

Exhibit A: 

And now the ripoff:


The only train I'm interested in

"I Will Survive" Gloria Gaynor - Now I don't necessarily consider this song bad or unlistenable, however it is EXTREMELY overplayed (especially at karaoke) and, more importantly IT IS A LIE. Yes, you heard right, the lyrics are completely false. Why? Because it's usually the guy who's fine after the breakup. Girls may flaunt their "okay-ness" in the form of song (another that comes to mind is Beyonce's "Single Ladies") but in reality it's not "I Will Survive," but "I Will Make the Next Man in My Life Pay For This By Becoming Really, Really Crazy."

"Pour Some Sugar On Me" Def Leppard - All in all, I just think this song just plain sucks. To all you Leppard-proponents out there... even if you find it a little bit catchy you must admit: it is very, very STUPID. Add to that an uber-simplistic beat (here's a thought: your drummer loses an arm, how about FIRING him??) and it's clearly overstayed its welcome in the sonic realm.

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